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Packet Sniffer
Connection-oriented TCP/IP packet sniffer.
EffeTech HTTP Sniffer
Capture and analyze HTTP traffic and rebuild the HTTP files.
Ace Password Sniffer
Capture usernames and passwords sent through http, ftp, smtp, pop3, telnet.
MSN Sniffer
Monitor MSN messenger conversations on LAN.
AIM Sniffer
Monitor AIM conversations on LAN.
ICQ Sniffer
Monitor ICQ conversations on LAN.
EtherBoss MSN Monitor
Monitor MSN conversation on LAN and save onto disk automatically.
FAQ for Sniffer Programs: Sniffer FAQ in French Sniffer FAQ in German Sniffer FAQ in Italian Sniffer FAQ in Spanish Sniffer FAQ in Portuguese
  1. Sniffer programs can't capture anything!
  2. I need to monitor Internet traffic for our whole LAN, but your sniffer program seems capture data from the same computer only. Please help!
  3. How to configure port mirroring or SPAN to enable monitoring feature for my switch?
  4. My switch doesn't support monitoring features. What to do?
  5. Please hide the icon of your sniffer.
  6. Sniffing localhost?
Q1: Sniffer programs can't capture anything!

Make sure you have select a working network adapter if there are more. Please note, you may have to click the "stop" button to make the "config" button enabled. Don't forget to click the "start to capture" button to let the sniffer begin the capture data. Finally, you can check whether there are some network data to capture.

Q2: I need to monitor Internet traffic for our whole LAN, but your sniffer program seems capture data from the same computer only. Please help!

If you want to capture data from other computers in the same network, your network should be connected by a hub, an ISA Server as Internet gateway, or a swith with port mirroring, SPAN. Unlike hub, common switch prevents promiscuous sniffing. Fortunately, most decent switch supports "port mirroring", SPAN, or similar feature, which allows network administrators to monitor LAN traffic on any computer connected to one designated switch port. Please refer to the documentation that comes with your switch for information on availability of such feature and configuration instructions. If your switch doesn't support such feature, please refer to Q4.

Q3: How to configure port mirroring or SPAN to enable monitoring feature for my switch?

Due to a variety of configurations for different switch products, we don't have a common instructions. Please refer to the documentation that comes with your switch for information on availability of such feature and configuration instructions. You can also ask the support of the manufacturer of your switch directly.

In addition, we have a 3-step instrution page on how to configure SPAN for Cisco switch.

Q4: My switch doesn't support monitoring features. What to do?

If you can't or don't want to configure a management port for your switch, there are still several alternatives available.

  1. Execute the sniffer program on your Internet gatesway, router or proxy server if possible. Any Internet traffic will pass through the gatesway, therefore sniffer program could capture them. We recommend ISA Server 2006 or other versions.
  2. Send some fake ARP packet to your network to cheat your switch. And then switch will forward traffic to other computers to your computer. But it is an inefficient and dangerous way.
  3. Downgrade your top-level switch to a common hub. If your Internet bandwidth is less than 5M bps, downgrading will not have any negative impact on your Internet access. Please note most Internet bandwidth for home or company are less than 5M bps. Typical bandwidth are Dial-up(0.06M bps), DSL/Cable(0.4M bps), and T1(1.5M bps). Replace top-level switch with a hub as following diagram.
Q5: Please hide the icon of your sniffer.

If we provide hidden feature, antivirus may consider our programs as spyware or virus. In addition, our sniffers are mainly used to monitor the whole network not the same computer. if you need same computer monitoring, you can consider SpyBuddy.

Q6: Sniffing localhost?

Due to the mechanism of Windows operating system, a sniffer can't capture local-to-local traffic.

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